Dear Diary (Scars, Part 3)
Betrayal Relationships Scars

Dear Diary (Scars, Part 3)

Dear diary, I don’t know why, today of all days, I have decided to speak to you about things that … Read more

You, Me and Them
Relationships Scars

You, Me and Them

Hey baby, Each time I promise myself not to call you by that name, each time I try to call you by … Read more

Dawn of Doom (Part 2)
Betrayal Relationships Scars

Dawn of Doom (Part 2)

(If this is your first time, you probably should first read [The Dawn of Doom (Part 1)][1] Sunday, … Read more

For GG

For GG

Birthdays: A time to renew our vows with ourselves, to reflect on our internal musings, our … Read more

The Dawn of Doom (Part 1)
Relationships Scars

The Dawn of Doom (Part 1)

Saturday, May 8th 2016 Kisimani, Bombolulu, Mombasa Candice is in her single shack of a room, damp … Read more



Goodbyes. Such a word that I tend to think of it as an oxymoron. There’s no good in it, just spasms … Read more

Birthday Tribute

Birthday Tribute

April 2017 The clouds hovered over our heads like they were sent to clear us. Darkness threatened to … Read more

Woman Crush

Woman Crush

February 7th 2018 This was the third day since my final year project had failed to work properly. To … Read more

My Dad and I (Part 1)
Relationships Scars

My Dad and I (Part 1)

I hate the sound of the word ‘family’. I hate the bang it gives my ears. I hate the bile it fills my … Read more

Meet Eunniah Mbabazi
Eunniah Mbabazi is an Electrical and Electronic Engineer with a deep passion for books and literature. She has authored Breaking Down (a collection of short stories), If My Bones Could Speak (a poetry collection), The Unbirthed Souls (a collection of short stories), and My Heart Sings, Sometimes (a poetry collection). She has also co-authored Kas Kazi (a novel) and When a Stranger Called (an anthology of short stories).

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