Day 13: A Date I Would Love to Go On
30 Days Challenge holidays

Day 13: A Date I Would Love to Go On

I am not really a ‘dates’ person, if that is even a thing. Honestly, I would rather stay home and … Read more

Day 12: Things I Want to Say to An Ex
30 Days Challenge

Day 12: Things I Want to Say to An Ex

I will make this short, because well, what is there to say to an ex anyway? I don’t remember exactly … Read more

Day 11: My Current Relationship
30 Days Challenge

Day 11: My Current Relationship

“Good morning baby. Have a good day at work today. Will talk to you later.” I have become accustomed … Read more

Day 10: A Fruit I Dislike and Why
30 Days Challenge

Day 10: A Fruit I Dislike and Why

Sometime in 2015, I was feeling weak and had this massive headache that wouldn’t just go away … Read more

Day 9: A Book I Loved and One I Didn’t
30 Days Challenge self-discovery

Day 9: A Book I Loved and One I Didn’t

Two days after I started this blog challenge, one of my readers took time off their busy schedules … Read more

Day 8: Something I Am Currently Worrying About
30 Days Challenge

Day 8: Something I Am Currently Worrying About

In the recent past, a Kenyan on twitter asked the question Nini inasumbua roho yako? which loosely … Read more

Day 7: What Tattoos I Have and If They Have A Meaning
30 Days Challenge

Day 7: What Tattoos I Have and If They Have A Meaning

Another trip down memory lane to August 2016, my friend Bree was visiting the Coast and on this … Read more

Day 6: Someone I Like and Why I Like Them

Day 6: Someone I Like and Why I Like Them

Trip down memory lane to January 2012, my father and I were taking a lazy afternoon stroll around … Read more

Day 5: 5 Things That Irritate Me About the Opposite Sex
30 Days Challenge

Day 5: 5 Things That Irritate Me About the Opposite Sex

There is a whole list of things I could rant about regarding men and the ways in which they choose … Read more

Day 4: What I Wear to Bed
30 Days Challenge Uncategorized

Day 4: What I Wear to Bed

So, this turns out to be one of my favourite times of the day, because I have always loved my sleep … Read more

Meet Eunniah Mbabazi
Eunniah Mbabazi is an Electrical and Electronic Engineer with a deep passion for books and literature. She has authored Breaking Down (a collection of short stories), If My Bones Could Speak (a poetry collection), The Unbirthed Souls (a collection of short stories), and My Heart Sings, Sometimes (a poetry collection). She has also co-authored Kas Kazi (a novel) and When a Stranger Called (an anthology of short stories).
Breaking Down
Breaking Down
A collection of short stories based on themes such as self identity, rape, family and marriage, heartbreaks, sibling rivalry, and broken friendships. It potrays a society comprised of people struggling to break away from the jails of personalities, and the long journey to freedom and acceptance.
If My Bones Could Speak
If My Bones Could Speak
A poetry collection.

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