In Questions (Part 2)

In Questions (Part 2)

Beautiful, is such a lousy way to describe me; Ijeoma Umebinyuo (If you haven;t read the first part … Read more

In Questions

In Questions

I haven’t written in quite some time. My creative mojo, like everyone else, seems to have decided to … Read more



(In loving memory of David Wekesa. Thanks to you, Mathematics is no longer a pain in my ass.) Dear … Read more

Big Things

Big Things

(In loving memory of Joyce Sitati. Woman with dreams of big things. Even in your absence, the spirit … Read more



(In loving memory of my grandmother, Lonah Etago. The fire that burnt within you, is beginning to … Read more

First Times

First Times

It is only 7.27 am but the sun is burning hard against my forehead. Already, I feel my armpits … Read more

Finding Home

Finding Home

I have spent two days thinking of an opening line for this blog post, and clearly, I suck at this. … Read more

The Year That Was

The Year That Was

On the first day of this year, I woke up at five am, not because I had an important place to go to, … Read more

Starting Over

Starting Over

On the day I lost my job, I went back home to a tantalizing thirty-minute-long sex. I do not … Read more

Just a SleepOver

Just a SleepOver

In loving memory of Jim Karu What would you do if you woke up to find the person you slept with dead … Read more

Meet Eunniah Mbabazi
Eunniah Mbabazi is an Electrical and Electronic Engineer with a deep passion for books and literature. She has authored Breaking Down (a collection of short stories), If My Bones Could Speak (a poetry collection), The Unbirthed Souls (a collection of short stories), and My Heart Sings, Sometimes (a poetry collection). She has also co-authored Kas Kazi (a novel) and When a Stranger Called (an anthology of short stories).

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